
Epoxy resin, data, air, film, paper, aquatic dye, neural algorithms
19x28x1.5-2 cm
This work merges together two objects that may seem disparate and to a certain extent contradictory. The first one is a digital cast of a car that was burnt long ago. It can’t be regarded as anything else but total rubbish which is hardly suitable for creation of something new. Another piece embraces elements of a modern sports car, which offers associations with dynamism, up-to-dateness, and progress. Now that these objects are one, they can scarcely be thought of without one another. Something that has finished its lifecycle has been interconnected to something that has just started to germinate and is rushing forward. This contradition is a reflection of our life, where moving forth is impossible without comprehension of the past.
Anton Bundenko
Cross-disciplinary artist, engineer, and designer. In 2017, he founded Futureisnown LAB, an ecosystem for technology research, theoretical prototyping of the future horizon and critical reasoning. Since 2020, Anton Bundenko has been using neural net algorithms and other state-of-the-art technical tools that reflect the spirit of the new time.