Archeo Logic project


digital object Cinema4D +Vray physical object 3D print, acryl
50х21х16 cm
This work merges together two objects that may seem disparate and to a certain extent contradictory. The first one is a digital cast of a car that was burnt long ago. It can’t be regarded as anything else but total rubbish which is hardly suitable for creation of something new. Another piece embraces elements of a modern sports car, which offers associations with dynamism, up-to-dateness, and progress. Now that these objects are one, they can scarcely be thought of without one another. Something that has finished its lifecycle has been interconnected to something that has just started to germinate and is rushing forward. This contradition is a reflection of our life, where moving forth is impossible without comprehension of the past.
Danil Savinsky
Cross-disciplinary artist, designer.
In 2022, he acquired his architect’s certificate in St. Petersburg. At the moment, the artist is an MBA student - he is taking the Technological Art Course at MISIS University of Science and Technology.

(He has taken part in Monotony of the Pattern Recognizer Exhibition at MMOMA, Clipboard Exhibition at Ground Solyanka Gallery, and About BATO (the Burtyatia Underground Creative Association) at the Eltsin Center. He established and curated a series of exhibitions in Moscow (Backyard Projection) and Ketchup Design and Illustration Festival in Irkutsk. Member of the Buryatia Underground Creative Association.

In his artistic practice, the artist addresses the contemporary technology landscape and communication means, aiming to explore and register the processes taking place within and their effect on humans.