Privacy policy

General provisions.

This personal information privacy policy, hereinafter referred to as the Privacy Policy, is applied by Sole Entrepreneur Ivan Olegovich Nefedkin (OGRNIP/Primary State Registration Number of the Sole Proprietor 317774600054600, address: Moscow, Lomonosovsky Prospect 29, Block 2, App. 146) and/or his affiliated parties, agents, partners, and contractors, hereinafter referred to as the Company, in regard to any information about the users that the Company can obtain during their use of the website located at, hereinafter referred to either as the Website, or, in accordance with the terms provided hereunder.

The Website isn’t intended for people below 18 (eighteen). The Company won’t accept personal information (personal data) from underage users, and the above-mentioned people must stop using the Website immediately. In case an underage user continues to use the Website due to his / her misrepresentation of age information (irrespective of whether such a misrepresentation was by intent, or by negligence), the Company disclaims any liability for such illegal acts performed by the user.

The Company won’t check if the personal information provided by the user is true and can’t check it. At the same time, the Company presumes that the users provide personal information that is reliable and sufficient, and also update it as necessary. The users acknowledge that provision of unreliable and / or insufficient information can result in the consequences that can be inconsistent with the users’ expectations.

By submitting their personal data, full-age users unconditionally agree with this Privacy Policy and all the terms and conditions hereunder by checking a special field. In case the user doesn’t agree with the terms and conditions hereunder, he / she must stop using the Website immediately.

This Privacy Policy establishes the Company’s liability as regards to non-disclosure and protection of personal information that the users submit on the Company’s request during registration at the Website, as well as in other cases of such submission as defined hereunder.

Personal data processable under the Privacy Policy

1.1. The Company processes the following personal information of the users:

1.1.1. Personal information about the users that they submit willingly and on their own accord when registering at the Website or using it, in particular – the users’ personal data. Information that must be filled in during registration at the Website: User’s surname, name, and patronymic name; User’s phone number; User’s email; User’s place of residence.

Information provided by the users on their own accord is categorized as

a) information they must provide (mandatory), and
b) information they can provide if they want (optional).

Fields that must be filled in are marked in a special way to make a regular person understand that they are mandatory.

The users can provide optional information if they want to.

1.1.2. Data that is automatically submitted to the Company during their use by means of the software installed on the users’ computers, including the following: IP address; cookie information; Information about the User’s browser (or other program he or she uses to access the Website); Technical characteristics of equipment and software used by the User; Date and time of the User’s access to the Website and similar information.

1.2. This Privacy Policy applies only to the information processed when the users use the Website.

1.3. Disabling cookies can result in failure to access the parts of the Website that require authorization.

1.4. Some of the User’s equipment and software can restrict operations with cookie files (for all or some websites), as well as deletion of previously obtained cookies. In such a case the Company shall undertake no liability for the User’s use of the equipment and software that can result in limitation of their use of the Website services.

1.5. Cookie files can also be used for intended sending of advertisement messages to the users based on the information they searches for and the page they are at, as well as other personal information.

1.6. The Company doesn’t store details of the payment means used at the Website (including but not limited to numbers of credit and debit cards, payment cards, bank account details, their validity terms, information on their holders and other data required to make payments). The information mentioned above is stored only by payment systems and the Company’s partners for the purposes of payment making during operation of the Website.

2. Users’ personal data procession information

2.1. The Company collects and stores the users’ personal information, which is necessary to support operation of the Website. Besides, the Company is entitled to collect and store personal information as necessary to comply with the law of the Russian Federation.

2.2. The Company is entitled to use the users’ personal information to support operation of the Website, including the following:

2.2.1. To provide support, to improve and enhance the Website in general and its functions in particular.

2.2.2. To identify the users registered at the Website.

2.2.3. To grant the users access to personalized resources of the Website.

2.2.4. To communicate with the users, including sending of requests, notifications, and messages related to use of the Website, giving (as necessary) prizes, gifts etc. to the users, including by postal matters via mailing and courier services.

2.2.5. To confirm reliability and sufficiency of the information provided by the users.

2.2.6. To create an account for registration at the Website.

2.2.7. If approved by the users, to send them additional information, especially in case the rules of the Website or its particular services are changed, or in case the legislation is changed in a way that prevents operation of the Website, its particular services, or procession of personal information in a way that was in place before the said changes had been made.

2.2.8. To send personal messages to registered users of the Website.

3. Terms of the users’ personal information procession and its transfer to third parties

3.1. The users’ personal data is processed until the intended personal information procession objective is accomplished, and in case with personal data – until the consent to personal data procession is withdrawn in any legal way, including its use in personal data information systems with or without the use of automation means.

3.2. The users agree that when using the Website some of their personal information can become generally accessible by an unlimited range of people.

3.3. The Company is entitled to disclose the users’ personal information to third parties in the following cases:

3.3.1.  to the Company’s contractors who render services to the Company exclusively for the purposes of the Company’s fulfillment of their obligations to the users in compliance with the rules and conditions of the Website and its particular services operation. It is understood that the Company undertakes to make agreements with such contractors to fix restrictions on further distribution of the users’ personal information.

3.3.2. in case such a disclosure is prescribed by the Russian or other applicable law under a legally established procedure.

3.4. The users are entitled to withdraw their consent to processing of personal data at any moment by sending an email at

4. Information protection. Responsibility.

4.1. The Company will take all the precautions and make technical arrangements to protect the users’ personal information from wrongful, or accidental access, deletion, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as other wrongful acts by third parties.

4.2. Together with the users, the Company will make all the necessary provisions to prevent losses, or other negative consequences that can result from loss or disclosure of the users’ personal data. With due regard to the conditions outlined hereunder, the users agree that in any case the Company’s scope of liabilities will be limited only to the damage caused to the user that can be verified by documentary evidence.

5. Modification of Privacy Policy.

5.1. The Company is entitled to modify this Privacy Policy. In case it is done, the Company undertakes to post the reviewed version of the Privacy Policy at the Website. The users are responsible for monitoring the reviewed versions of the Privacy Policy posted at the Website, whereas the Company is entitled to send notification about such modifications at their discretion.

Applicable law.

6.1. This Policy and relations between the user and the Company are subject to and governed by the law of the Russian Federation.

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